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We pay top cash for all type of vehicle, Dead Or Alive , Get cash today call us on 0800 1000 70.
Does your scrap car live on your property in Kawakawa, Paihia Northland ? If this is the case, you will probably not be happy with the arrangement. And with good cause. The vehicle in question serves no purpose to you at all. It is taking up space and making the property you live on look like a mini scrapyard. Have you heard about cash for cars Kawakawa service?
Cash for Cars Whangarei here for all the people of Kawakawa and the larger Northland area. Up to $12000 if the scrap car has enough parts on it that are in good condition. To learn more, you are invited to get in touch with us by calling 0800 100 070 or by jumping on their website and filling out a free quote request form.
The best source in all of Kawakawa for used parts is Cash for Cars Kawakawa and Free Car Removal Whangarei.